Thursday, March 10, 2011

Flat wheel of time

On Monday I had a different schedule on my desk than I'd had on Friday, but it's not like I didn't know it was coming.  I just knew that I'd prepare for the week when I saw it.  I had a lesson ready for the first grade; I had a lesson ready for the third grade.  That I bother to tell you this should be all the hint you need as to my first class of the day, but I'll just come out and say it: second grade.

Scribbling my notes for my lesson down on the back of my old schedule, I nearly didn't make it outside for what was my favourite part of the day.  

The students stood in a bored phalanx on our dirty soccer field.  The teachers faced the flag at attention.  The national anthem began.  The stairs up from the field to the main entrance of  our school creates as good a podium   as any.  A girl, a student, took the stage, white gloves and thin baton in hand and began to conduct her peers.  In the twelve hundred heads I saw one mouth open in song.  The teachers did not sing, the students did not sing, and the poor girl waved her wand in time for four minutes.  And why do you need a conductor if there is choir already on the track to sing along with?

For the last five months of my contract last year I devised a system to keep my days in order.  I have never worked a nine to five, forty-hour-a-week job for such a span of my life before.  I can't believe that Thursday has come after Wednesday again.  (Doesn't anyone notice this pattern?  Why do we let this happen ?!  Surely we can think of something better to come after Wednesday than Thursday every time.)  I like to set my Wednesdays (any days) apart.  Last years system of links was a good one.  It gave me something concrete at the end of it, and the rings give me an amazing recall of the day they represent.  But the tape I used has torn pieces out of whatever papers my roof and gives me damage deposit worries.  Also I am not up for making nearly three hundred and sixty five of those rings.  And so for the first time I specifically turn to you, dear reader, dear sixty-three unique hits that google analytics told me I received last week.  How can I mark my days?


  1. I'm no expert on horology but.. wait dude you didn't know who Gerrard who???

  2. Desperately ignore how fast the weeks fall away until it's over and you've forgotten everything.


    Write a story one sentence a day, or if not write, translate a book from another language one sentence at a time using "Google Translate".


    Tattoo party dots all over your chest, with a needle and broken pens


    I worry that I am stealing other people's ideas that they're coming up with and posting too many, so last one, obviously you MUST do a navajo counting rope once in your life.
