Monday, August 30, 2010

A leper colony with wifi please

At the hospital today I saw a man in a long white lab coat use the bathroom and then not was his hands.  I saw an elderly woman being wheeled through a crowd with dried blood all over her face.  I'm beginning to realize why people say they don't like hospitals. 

I told my doctor that in the past few days what feels like my tonsils have become very sore.  She quickly peeked in my mouth and told me that they looked fine, that maybe there was some swelling down lower but that she wasn't going to check, (she didn't actually say this last part.  She just didn't check and I got the message).  She said that the anti-biotics I'm on will make it feel better.  I pointed out that they'd begun to hurt and had gotten worst over the last three days, during which I've been on the drugs.  She told me it must therefor be viral and that I should drink tea and wear scarves. This is the sort of advice I take as a green light for self medication.

Monday's Snack Food Wrap Up: Strawberry Ice Cream

Is it good?  Of course it's good.  It's five dollars and it comes in a container sized just big enough so that you feel like a depraved man for eating the entire thing in one sitting even though every body does it.  It tastes like strawberries and expensive things that I usually deny myself in favour of the bulk option.  It numbs my sore throat at makes my constant companion, the boring glass of water, feel extra warm in my mouth by comparison.

But then if it seems like I am taking the doctor's lack of attention to my throat as a sign that I have slipped in her eyes from legitimate medical concern to "whiner", then it's because despite the evidence under my own chin I'm so tired of being sick that I can't even stand to hear me come back with a new left field symptom.  Who gets tonsillitis while they're already on a slew of medication?   Not me, I'm not a sick person.  Getting habitually sick is, in my opinion, generally left to people who complain about their bad day like they never heard the words "starving" and "Africa" before.  And yet I'm drinking lemon tea and chicken broth like my name's Nancy.  (Nancy the sort of name for someone who gets sick more than most.  Nothing personal Nancy's). 

Someone remind me that I have to make a doctor's appointment in February.  I spent 70 bucks today because it turns out I'm not immunized for Hep A and they need to give me the other half of that needle six months from now or else I'm only half immune or super un-immune or something.  Until then I'm not talking about being sick ever again.

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