It's nice out.
Out the door, don't look back-
- I said don't look back. Eye's forward eyes forward I think that man's a spy.
Down my alley, take a look over the fence. You won't see many yards in my neighborhood, but here's one.
Sometimes theres a hole in his little field when I come home late at night, but they're always filled in just perfectly by the time I get up for work.
I told you not to look back. I had to agree to a pillar of salt clause in my contract just to sign the lease in that place and you're in jeapardy of putting me in default. Lets just get out of here.
Here's where they throw the neighborhood parties. Grandmas only though. If you can't get into that party then I know the guy who works the door over at another place.
And if after hours is your scene, I know the spot.
For a good time, always look for the paddles.
These are busy streets and I'll leave you to them.
Down here and take a left.
Look both ways.
As you cross, look to your left. We're surrounded by those mountains.
All the action is down here, at Donga Department store.
East meets West.
As always, it's the kids who suffer. Mostly from me, in this case.
Not shy.
My rock-paper-scissors nemisis. Every day we battle. Here he is caught in aggresive trash talk. He often ryhmes my name with 'tile' in derision.
At night I go to the roof. I'll leave you up there.
Good night. Don't worry, it's warm.
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