Lets get to our feature presentations.
(Hey! You broke the blogger!)
The only submission from a class peppered with assholes comes this gem. The boy wearing the wings made them himself and he told me they took about four hours of work. That's not four of your hours either, where at least one of them is spent on facebook but billed to the company as vital. These are four of the kind of hours that the kids back home are buying study drugs in the library just to get a chance at.
Three Good Boys, Three Bad Boys
This video was the winner of the 9th grade wide vote on best boys video. It's not hard to see why. Handsome stars, one of whom is the lead singer for the school's only rock band, (hint: he's the one that looks like he's wearing eye makeup), solid premise, they got in a dumpster, they used 'Party Rock' and they included an outtakes reel. All the girls now have giant crushes on them. It's likely besides the voucher to the movie theatre, each of these boys has won holding a girl's hand over the winter break. This is what happens when the cool kids also work hard in school. It's largely not fair to the rest of us.
The Lonely Girl
The winner of the voting for Girl's best picture. This is a great movie, good idea, good execution, fantastic use of extras who are too shy to show their face on camera and the quickest turn of a violent scene to slapstick that I've ever seen. I shouldn't hold anything against this film, but I do. You see...
This Is The Film I Like Best
From the same class as the winner, these girls stayed after school for two hours one day to finish shooting their film. Where as the other group relied on repetition and slapstick, this group had wit, they had humour, they had an old woman music video selling Sun Chips. When it was time to announce the winner we went to their classroom and I realized that I should have created another prize, something like critics choice or best musical performance or anything because the girls' faces just fell when I told everyone the other group had won. I feel like I let them down, allowing them to work as hard as they did without getting any recognition.
It's too late now, this was all weeks ago. An hour after the winners were announced school was out for the winter. Although they probably haven't thought about it since, and this is the emptiest of empty gestures, I post it here as my favourite with the vague idea that if you watch it and think "yeah, those girls were great," the net result of more people in the world believing they are ballin' can only be a good thing.
I am now on vacation.